Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Progress, progress, progress. This is moving fast and I am so happy. 

Today they finished the new shingles and sealed the small leak on my main roof. It rained this morning and I was freaking out because the roof was not fixed but my handyman already patched the water stain. So far so good. 

The potential gig I spoke to on Friday has not contacted me back. She was so sure she needed my help but then nothing. What can I do? 

I have been working on the puzzle and it is 3/4 of the way complete. I was hoping to have it done today so I can have the room for the stress reduction course but it didn't happen. 

My rug showed up and now my meditation nook is finished. I will take a photo tomorrow when I have it all out together for class. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Cool, cool on meditation room, cool, cool on construction, boo on client.


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