Saturday, June 10, 2023


 Before I start this saga, I want you to know the brain MRI was done and the results may come back tomorrow.  Whew!

I woke up in plenty of time to do all the things I needed to do (feed animals, shower, eat, dress, etc.) before my taxi arrived. I had a pretty sleepless night. Last night I decided to food shop and set the delivery time for today. This morning I woke up and realized I set the delivery time before I would get back most likely. (see my on-going problem!) I called the delivery number and spoke to a very nice guy who rescheduled my delivery for this evening. 

Having the food delivery issue in the morning already got me stressed. I made another mistake because I didn't calculate the time I would be at the MRI and time to return home. Okay, I tried to relax after that phone call. 

The taxi driver showed up early and I sort of rushed out of the house. He asked where I was going. I gave him the address and he said I know exactly where you are going. I sat back confident he was taking me to the right place. Wrong. But we were early so I didn't panic. An annoyed security guard told me some vague directions and either I misheard or she said something I didn't understand. 

Well, I went out the building like she said, went across the street and turned left. I walked and walked and walked. For about 15 minutes. I got to the address I thought she said and it wasn't a medical facility. It was now 3 minutes before my MRI time. I tried to call the medical facility but I got voicemail. I started to cry hysterically. I can't even imagine what the people walking by were thinking. I tried to call a taxi but my phone kept saying "your call can't go through". I finally called my cousin in FL hysterical. She was asking what happened and I couldn't tell her. I was sobbing. I finally explained that I was going to miss my time slot and I waited so long to get this test and I could not walk all the way back. 

My cousin came to the rescue. She called and was transferred to 5 different people before she got the technician. The technician told her to tell me not to worry. It wasn't busy and she would take me when I got there. Meanwhile I calmed down enough to call a taxi. 

A taxi finally came and took me to the right place. The guy was so nice that he said he could go around the block but that would take longer than if he dropped me across the street and I walked. But he pointed out the building and where I had to walk in. I hopped out and walked. Everyone was so nice when I got there. They had me fill out the paperwork and whisked me into the room. 

The MRI was not bad. It was probably the most stressed I have ever been in an MRI so it seemed a bit difficult. For a brain MRI, they pack your head in a helmet-like device called a head coil. It is like being in a small cage around your head. Plus I was wearing a face mask for COVID so it was hard to breath with both these things. Then they put you in the machine which is inches from the top of the head coil. 

I have never been claustrophobic before in an MRI machine but this time I almost got close. The mask was too tight on my nose so I couldn't really breathe through my nose well which means I had to breathe through my mouth. That made it hot. Anyway, I used my meditation skills and, as always, I just think about the show Survivor. This is just a test to see my resilience. 

The test was 20 minutes long and I usually doze off when I get MRIs but not this time. I think I was so stressed from all the events of the day. It probably took me 15 minutes to stop breathing fast even with my meditation breathes. 

I made it through and could not wait to get home. I basically sat on the couch while I did laundry for the rest of the day. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I am glad the MRI went well. I hate them as well. But over the years I have kind of gotten used to it. I hate the noise.


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