Sunday, May 18, 2014


I know that sometimes I try to find easy ways to make a difference.  I would like to make a difference in this world but I don't always have a lot of time and I don't have easy access to simple ways.

Today I read O Magazine and found two easy ways to make a difference.

It seems that penguins need sweaters. Let me explain: when penguins are caught in oil spills, they get ill and die when they preen and swallow the oil on their feathers.  The penguin foundation uses penguin sweaters to put on the penguins to keep them from the oil on their feathers.  I checked their website and they have been inundated with little sweaters!  But if you are interested in penguins, check out their website.

Do you love to read? I mean read from an actual book?  Well, James Patterson has started a literary fund to help save independent bookstores. He is giving $1 million of his own money to support independent bookstores.  There is a link at his website where you can nominate your local independent bookstore for a grant.  Help save a bookstore!

Tomorrow I am going to contact the doctor about my foot. I feel burning and tingling and that cannot be good.

Until tomorrow...

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