Tuesday, May 2, 2023


 Well, it is raining again. And it is cold, like really cold. It is 5pm and it is 48 degrees outside in May. What is going on?? I hope it doesn't kill my seedlings. I can now see them from the window. They are getting big enough to see from a distance. 

My tarp is holding so I don't think any rain is getting in. 

There is no word from the doctor's office so I don't have another appointment for my MRI. I checked and there is no pre-authorization with the insurance company. I think this is going to take a while. 

I have my COVID vaccine scheduled on Thursday evening. I am ready for that. I have my weekend cleared except for the Coronation and the Kentucky Derby. But that just means a day in bed or on the couch. Good for a weekend after taking the vaccine. 

I am going to curl up with my "fireplace" and keep warm. 

Until tomorrow...

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