Sunday, May 28, 2023


Today was my annual tradition of watching the Indy 500. I got up early and watched the whole race. It had a wild ending where there had been crash after crash so they had to make the last couple of laps the end. If you know anything about racing, that isn't much time to pass another car. So it was an interesting ending. 

While I was watching the race I worked on my long lasting puzzle. I am determined to get this puzzle completed. I know most people would tell me to quit it and free up your living room for other things. This puzzle has been something I have worked on for two years. I want to finish it. Today I got about one-sixth of it done. I also found that the "missing" boarder piece was not missing at all. 

I started to clear out a space for my meditation nook. I need a place where I can meditate and I went through the current home and there aren't many spots available with the house in disarray. I chose a spot in the living room under my ficas tree. I have my meditation stuff coming in Tuesday. I just need my pillows and I will be set. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Great race, we cannot watch it on TV until after 9PM day of. So I enjoyed it like I always do when not attending, on the radio. Oh gosh its cool to have a buddy who loves the 500. Someday I will get the chance to tell you about how awesome it is too attend. Everyone ought to go at least 10 times.

    Ultimate party, cool stories, nothing like it on earth. :)


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