Saturday, March 31, 2018


I met my friends for dinner at one of my favorite vegan Mexican restaurants. It was do much fun to catch up. After dinner we took a walk and got ice cream.

It was a very nice evening.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, March 30, 2018


I had my Taskrabbit come over today to help me clean and organize my home office. As usual we forgot to take a "before" photo so I can't show you the complete mess the room was in. My office once again became the dumping ground. When I had my foster son all the items that were in his closet ended up in my office. All my art supplies and camera equipment we're stacked up in my office. Along with boxes of office supplies.

Today we cleared out the office closet and made room for my art supplies and camera equipment. I found a place for the office supplies that were necessary and the rest I took downstairs and merged with the boxes of office supplies in the garage. We organized some paperwork. There is a bunch that still needs to be done and I didn't get to clearing off my desk but I can see the floor and I can sit in my comfy chair again.  I call that a win.

This evening I had a sit down with my neighbors about their chickens. I think they were worried I was going to complain about the noise. Honestly I can't hear them until I come upstairs. Those chickens wake up with the sun. Happi wakes up at 5:30 -5:45 am to go pee so I wake up and then go back to sleep.

I had different concerns. 1. There is too much smell coming from the pen. They need to work on that.  It is better now that the rain stopped.  2.  There is a hold under my fence where something is either burrowing in or out of the pen.  Either way it isn't good.  They are going to fix it.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, March 29, 2018


On April 16th I mailed a box of homemade cookies to my nephew for his birthday. He is in college and some homemade cookies are a treat. 

I made the lemon cookies from lemons in my garden. I packaged them up and used my Food saver to seal them. I put them in a priority box and mailed them.

Two days later the website said the box was delivered. The box had been left on the porch.

My nephew checked but no box was there. After a few days I contacted the post office and they said there was nothing they could do since it was delivered. I guess it was stolen. The joke would be on the person who stole that box thinking it was something valuable!

The post office sends me a check for my claim. $1.06. Wow.

Today I get a text from my nephew. The box showed up today. Thirteen days later.  So where has the box been? Did it get delivered to the wrong address? Has it been sitting somewhere? Who knows?

He has his slightly stale cookies. I have my $1.06. 

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Today I had a heart event right in the middle of a meeting.  There was no way around explaining what I was doing when I pushed the monitor and then recorded the event on my phone.  It was a meeting with me and one other person.  At the time the event occurred, the person was giving this long (I mean long) explanation about something.  I pushed the monitor and she didn't notice but once I picked up my phone, it looked like I was disinterested in her speech.  I entered my information in my phone and explained that I was wearing a heart monitor for a heart condition that I have had since I was a kid.  It is nothing to worry about and I am fine.  The doctor just tests me every now and then.  No biggie.

She seemed very concerned at first but then she calmed down.  It really is nothing to worry about at this time.

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Tonight I made a quick stew.  Swiss-chard, potato, and chickpea stew.  I used the swiss-chard and butternut squash from my veggie delivery.  I swapped the potato out and put the butternut squash in.  It tastes really good.  I also cooked a couscous mix to eat it with.  It made a great dinner.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, March 26, 2018


Today I got my new heart monitor.  It is a patch heart monitor this time.  I have to wear it for two weeks.  Here is what it looks like (excuse the poor photo):

It is adhered to my upper left chest.  I have to keep it adhered for two weeks so no baths or saunas or hot tubs. It has a button that I have to push when I get a racing heart.  I downloaded an app to use for recording the episodes rather than having a book that I have to write them down in.

It seems to be okay but lets see what I have to say about it after week one.  These things are always fun the first week, then they get a bit annoying when the adhesive begins to itch and hurt.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Today I went with my friends H and M to see Isle of Dogs.  It was a crazy animated movie about a boy who's dog was sent to an island where all the dogs are sent and he goes to rescue it. It was funny and unique.

After the movie, my friend M and I hung out for a bit.  We had not seen each other in a while and it was great to catch up.

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, March 24, 2018


I went to an adoption conference today.  It was an all day event.  Some other folks from my adoption class were also there so we had lunch together.

The conference had a key note speaker and then a bunch of different "classes" that you could attend.  There were classes for social workers, adoptees, and foster parents/adoptive parents.

The key note speaker talked about microaggressions.  Example: when someone says to a foster parent: "Isn't that child so lucky to have you?"  or "Isn't he so grateful to have you in his life?"  both of these comments are microaggressions because although they are meant to be compliments to the foster parent, they will make the foster child feel badly.  The foster child should not be made to feel grateful or lucky to be fostered.  They deserve a good home like everyone else.  That is just one example.

Then I went to a class about Trauma and EMDR & Brainspotting.  EMDR is a therapy that is used with trauma survivors.   Brainspotting is a new therapy that she explained to us.

After lunch with my friends, I went to a talk on Race.  It was not as good as I expected it would be.  I guess I had high expectations.

Then I went to another class with the Keynote speaker.  I really liked this class on Reclaiming Birth Culture.  This is about the difference between race and culture.  A person can be Asian and adopted by a white family in the mid-west.  They might be brought up in a full white culture and may loose their Asian culture.  To reclaim their culture the child (when they grow up) may take an extended trip to their biologic country to immerse in their culture.  Some may move to their biologic country.  Very interesting.  A long discussion about if a family of one culture can really instill a culture of a child of another culture.

Overall it was a day well spent and I get credit for it.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, March 23, 2018


I began watching a Netflix streaming series named Seven Seconds.  It is a series about an African-American teenager who is run over by a car driven by a white off-duty police officer.  After the accident, it all goes south.  One thing after another happens because of human error, purposeful decisions, and timing. 

It was a series that makes you think and it made me yell at the TV screen. 

I thought it was really well done. 

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, March 22, 2018


I got my second fruit and veggie delivery today.  I went online ahead of time and made sure the items I was getting were items I wanted.

This time I got:
  • 1 butternut squash
  • 1 Royal Mandarin orange
  • 4 kiwis
  • 1lb red potatoes
  • 1 pkg strawberries
  • 1 pkg cluster tomato on the vine
  • 1 bunch rainbow chard
  • 1 bunch Nantes carrots

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


I have seen some crazy things on the freeway.  Cars driving 90 MPH in a 50 MPH lane.  I guess that is common.

The other day I saw a truck with a bunch of stuff in the truck bed. The truck bed top was tied down.  It was very windy and we were driving in light traffic at about 50 MPH.  The truck bed top suddenly came flying off.  Luckily it flew off to the side of the freeway and not into the traffic behind the truck.

The other day I was driving along a freeway at about 60 MPH when all of a sudden a street cleaning truck pulled into my lane from the shoulder.  All the cars had to slam on their brakes.  What was the street cleaner truck thinking pulling into the freeway?

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I got the notice my fruit and veggie delivery is coming up soon.  I went online to view the items I am going to get.  I decided that I do not want the apples, the leek, the red lettuce and collard greens.  I swapped them out and got chard, mandarin orange, tomatoes, and potatoes.

These are items I can make a soup or stew or something this weekend.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, March 19, 2018


I got the results of my most recent blood test.  It looks pretty good.  Much better than I expected.  My B12 and Vitamin D are good.  Calcium and Albumin are low as usual.  Chloride is high as usual.

The Calcium is always low but not by much.  Albumin is low as usual.  The Chloride is high and that says I am dehydrated.  I am frequently dehydrated because I don't drink enough.  I guess I will turn into a raisin.

Anyway a good blood test over all.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, March 18, 2018


I made a wonderful soup today with the last of the veggies from my veggie/fruit delivery box.

I made Lemony Kale, Leek and White Bean Soup.  Yes, another soup.  It is cold and damp here with all the rain.  Okay it is not raining today but we are looking at a huge storm coming in a few days and I will be ready.  This recipe made enough soup to last many days.  I used the rest of the kale, carrots and the one leek.  I had to buy two more leeks for the soup.

A few weeks ago I accidentally opened a can of cannellini beans.  I looked up what to do.  I was told to rinse the beans and put them in a bit of water and stick them in the freezer.  The next day when they were frozen, I put them in a foodsaver bag.  Today I opened up the bag and put the frozen beans in the boiling soup.

I made a really tasty soup.

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, March 17, 2018


I went to see Love, Simon today.  Love, Simon is a movie about a teenage high school boy who knows he is gay but no one else knows.  This part is in the advertisements so it is no secret.  It is a movie that will make you cry and laugh.  I enjoyed it very much.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, March 16, 2018


This morning I took Happi to the vet for a second opinion.  She has been doing this thing with her mouth/teeth where she grinds or taps her teeth together.  It has been going on since November of 2017.  For a long time it was really loud at night and would wake me up.  I spoke to one doctor in the practice and he thought it had to do with her stomach issues and he put her on Flagyl.  She was on Flagyl for 8 weeks.

Then she was done with the Flagyl and her gastrointestinal symptoms returned in a few days.  He put her back on the Flagyl for 12 weeks.  She has been on the Flagyl now for about 9 weeks.

About a month ago I decided I wanted to get a second opinion but because of my trip and the her doctor being really popular, I could not get an appointment until today.

We went in and asked to get his opinion on the teeth chattering.  It has gotten better but she still does it.  He listened to what I had to say, how her nose is really wet now, how she has only recently begun to lick me again.  He does not feel it has anything to do with her stomach.  He thinks that for whatever reason Happi has gotten old and older dogs do weird things.  He checked her out and he can't see anything wrong with her.  He has given me some muscle relaxers to see if that works to relax her a bit and if that makes it go away.

He also suggested acupuncture for Happi not me.

Since Happi seems to be getting better on her own, I am less interested in doing anything too aggressive.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, March 15, 2018


I went to see my gut doctor today and things are okay.  Well the same as any other day.  Nothing new to report.  Nothing horrible.  Which is good.

I don't have to go back for 6 months.  Yay!

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Today is Pi Day.  Some people think it is Pie Day and buy some pie.  Happy Pi Day.


Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


This is a piece of art from my friend S.  It is really beautiful.  It has a home on my mantel.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, March 12, 2018


I went to see my nutritionist today.  I go about every three months to check in.  He has been helpful with me eating better and that caused me to lose weight and feel better.  We check in every three months. 

At first it was about learning how to eat being on Prednisone.  Then it was about weight loss to lose the weight I gained while on Prednisone. Then it was about eating better when I became a vegan.  Now I go to keep myself eating well.  He helps me to find recipes and items that I can eat and keep healthy.  He helps me make a plan if I travel.  He helps me make a plan if I feel I am not eating well. 

I have a plan most weeks where I shop on Sunday and then cook a big thing that day.  I cook something like a pot of soup or paella or stew.  That will last most of the week for dinner.  That way when I get home at 6:30pm I don't have to cook, I can just pop it in the oven after I feed the dogs.

Now that I get the veggies and fruits delivered once every two weeks, it cuts down on the amount of shopping I have to do. 

Having someone to be accountable to is helping me eat well.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Today my friend H took me out for a burger for my birthday. It was nice to catch up and talk.  We went to a local place and I had a veggie burger with mushrooms and avocado, my favorite.

After lunch we went for a walk since it was so sunny.

When I got home I had to go around and change a bunch more clocks.  It always amazes me how many clocks I have in my home.  There are regular clocks, timers on lights, timers on hot water, thermostat, answering machine, phone, TVs, etc.  So much to change.

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, March 10, 2018


I am having a friend over for dinner tonight.  S is coming over and I want her to see how well I can cook.  I am making:
  1. Roasted beet salad with orange slices and toasted pine nuts.
  2. Vegan Curry Butternut Squash Soup with Kale
  3. Vegan Spanish Paella
  4. Vegan Lemon Cookies
I thought the food was delicious.  I made extra cookies to send a favorite relative I will not name since my relatives read this blog.

She said she was very full and she ate everything.

We also played with my new Echo Buttons.  Buttons are like the buzzer on Millionaire.  The Alexa Echo has games like Trivia Pursuit and Hanagram.  In Trivia Pursuit Alexa asks questions and you have to be the first on to hit the buzzer. The buzzers are different colors.  It was fun.  Hanagram gives you letter in particular order and you have to figure out what word they are spelling out and press the button first.  There is also a Song game where Alexa plays a song and you have to name the song and singer.  You will get points if you get one or the other or both correct.

I had fun playing the games.  I think S had fun also.  I do have to say Alexa was funny sometimes.  Thanks bro and family!

Until tomorrow...

Friday, March 9, 2018


I started receiving a box of vegetable and fruits delivered to my home.  A lot of people have this service and I thought I would not like it.  All those vegetables and fruits!  What would I do with them? 

Then someone told me about Farm Fresh.  I decided to check it out.  It sends me a box made for one/two people.  It can be delivered every other week.  A few days before it is delivered, I can go online and see what is going to be delivered and make exchanges if I want. 

This week I was going to get
  • one leek
  • 2 lemons
  • Blueberries
  • 6 kiwi
  • radicchio
  • carrots
  • Collard greens
  • butternut squash
I switched out the radicchio and the collard greens.  I got Kale and Golden Beets.

I am having a friend over for dinner tomorrow and I am thinking of making soup with the kale, carrots and butternut squash.  I can make cookies with the lemons and my own lemons from my yard.  I will use the carrots in the Paella.  I will use the golden beets in the salad. 

I love this box!  When I looked at doing this years ago, you weren't able to switch things out.  I am so happy I can do this now. 

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Today was the day I got my new-ish garage door.  I say new-ish because I have the same garage door but the bottom panel is brand new so it looks like a brand new door.

But the BEST part is that they swapped out the metal wheels for silicone wheels.  Now my door is SO quiet.  SO QUIET!  My dogs can barely hear the door opening and closing.  My neighbors will no longer hear when I come home.  It is so nice to NOT be able to hear my garage door open.

It is like having a new garage door.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Today is my friend B and my sister-in-law's birthdays.  This day in March comes up so fast every year. I am not sure why but it always does.  I think it is because February is so short that around the 15th of February I feel like I have so much time to buy a card and a present then next thing I know it is March 7th. 

Well, Happy Birthday my friend and sister-in-law!

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


I love that Google has security.  I do.  Except now.  I can't seem to get the security to stop.

When I was in Arizona I logged into Google and it gave me an alert later on.  It said "someone is trying to log into your account".  I was using an open wifi so I panicked.  I opened up Google and figured out it was me who was logging in to my Google account. 

Now for days every time I log in Google has been giving me an alert that someone has been trying to log in to my account.  I can't figure out how to make it go away.  I have clicked on it and tried to mark that it was me.  No luck.  Google, it was me!! Leave me be.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, March 5, 2018


I spent the morning packing and getting ready.  I decided to take a bath in that gorgeous bathtub.

Then I relaxed a bit before I had to check out, pack the car, get gas and drive to the airport.  I had plenty of time at the airport to get through TSA (I love TSA Pre) and watch part of a movie before we had to board.  I took the BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) medicine as soon as I got to the airport this time. 

The flight was okay.  I finished my movie.  I got home and unpacked.  Lucky and Happi were so happy to see me.  I am going to sleep early.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, March 4, 2018


I got up (not too early) and went hiking.  I went to Camelback mountain but the traffic and parking was horrendous.  So I drove to Papago Park in Scottsdale.  I hiked all the way to the "caves" and walked a bit of the way up to the caves but didn't go up to the caves.
This is the distance I am going to hike.

These are the caves.

View from the highest I hiked.

Joy came on the hike.  She loves to hike!

After the hike I went home to relax.  I sat out on the balcony for a while.

I met S and her boyfriend for dinner in Old Town.  I walked all the way there.  After dinner I went back to my room and began packing for my trip home.

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, March 3, 2018


My friend S stayed over in my hotel last night so we could go to the spa first thing in the morning for our massages.  We had hot stone massages.  My massage was wonderful.   Relaxing even though I talked through it.

After the massage I went with S to her art show.  I looked at all the 100 artist's work and met some of the artists.  Of course Joy came with me.

After the art show I went back to my room to relax.  We decided that we were not going to get together for dinner.  I got take out and ate in my room while I watched a movie.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, March 2, 2018


I flew to Scottsdale Arizona today. I am in Scottsdale to see my friend S. She is an artist and her art is in an art show.  I am staying in a fancy hotel because I waited too long to make my reservation and it is the first weekend of spring training for the West Coast teams.  All the reasonably priced hotels were booked.  I stayed at a hotel called Valley Ho Hotel. It is a 1950's hotel that has been upgraded but still has that Palm Springs/early Vegas look.

This is the view from the balcony.

Bathroom.  Look at the tub!  It has a blue/lavender light over the tub.  It is all glass walls.

The pool with Camelback mountain behind it.

Yes, you can drink water in the room, it only costs $4.00 per bottle.  I went to CVS and got a bottle for $0.50.

Of course I brought Joy!  She loved the luxurious bed.

The first day was flying there and then a bit of a rest in the hotel.  Then I met S and her boyfriend for dinner.

I started to get dizzy and vertigo in the taxi to the airport.  I took the BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) medicine at the airport.  I think it was too close to take off because I felt terrible for the first 20 minutes in the air.  Then I fell asleep.  I had pain at the base of my earlobe.  

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Today I had to say a difficult thing to someone.  This person (I will call her Claire) was overstepping her boundary.  Claire is an assistant and she was about to send a message to someone.  It wasn't the person that was the problem, it was the message.  The message needed to come from their boss.  When Claire sent me the message she was going to send to the employees, I told her not to send it because she was overstepping. 

Claire got quite put out.  She acted like I took her favorite toy and ripped it's head off.  She wouldn't speak to me the rest of the day.  She stomped around and kept the door of her office closed.  She had a dour look on her face.  Her body language said leave me alone. 

I brought Claire in to talk about it but she wanted nothing to do with talking.  I told her that the appropriate way to communicate this message (which was a big policy decision) was I write the message and send it to the boss with directions for him send it to his staff.  Then once he has communicated it, she can then speak to the person she wanted to speak to.  That is how decisions are communicated.  Our job is to empower the boss.  It is not the job of the assistant to communicate big decisions to staff members.

This needs to have a bigger discussion once she calms down and has some time to think about it.

Until tomorrow...