Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I have fallen so far behind on this blog.  With work, home life and getting ready for foster/adopting a kid, I don't always have time to write.  I fall behind one day and then another and next thing I know I am a week behind. 

Today one of my favorite bands has come out with their first album (are they still called albums if they are CDs?) in 4 years.  Green Day released Revolution Radio this week and I am super excited. 

Don't you love when your favorite band puts out new music?  Don't you just love when the music is good?  Aren't you disappointed when it isn't? 

I am always disappointed when a band I like puts out music that is completely different than all their other music.  They are a rock band and now they are singing a pop song. 

So far Revolution Radio has not had a bad song. 

Until tomorrow...

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