Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goals For 2012?

Healthy Food Challenge: I ate a granola and yogurt breakfast.  Yum!  

Each year I hear folks talk about resolutions and goals for the new year.  A long time ago I stopped making resolutions and goals on New Year's Eve.  It is so much smarter to make a plan and set a goal.  Just making some random goal on New Year's Eve when the alcohol is flowing and it is a late night, doesn't sound like a recipe for greatness.  I am going to quickly reiterate a my story from New Year's Eve for those just joining.

This year for New Year's Eve I was at a party and the folks at the party were asked to write down something they wanted to toss out with 2011.  Once it was written down, we went to a fire pit and threw it in the fire.  Some folks read what they had written down and others chose not to.  Then we were asked to write down on a piece of paper on the wall what we want for the year 2012. (The best was "For common sense to become common.")  

Now, if you know me, I am not really a sharer.  I am not the person who enjoys holding hands in a circle on camping trips and singing Kumbaya.  I am not the first to share my wishes and thoughts.  You might find this funny since I write a blog.  The difference being, unless you are a family member or friend, you don't know who I am.  I am a faceless blogger who tells you stories and shares her experiences!  For all you know Adrienne may not be my real name!  Ha, just joking, it is my real name.

Returning back to the story, I did share but I said goodbye to wearing boots.  Meaning the medical boots on my feet.  I then wished that in 2012 I would be wearing no more boots.

I started thinking about this practice of making resolutions and goals.  I understand that folks feel like New Year's is a new start but why not make the resolution or goal on January 3rd or in February when it is not such an emotional time.  How about a fiscal year resolution in June?  I started thinking about how many companies make their budgets and work plans in January and how many of those goals have to be adjusted throughout the year.

A year is a long time and who can figure out what will happen during the year that will keep you on track or throw you way off track from your goal.  For years I have tried to lose weight.  I have been on Prednisone for so long that I find it difficult to lose the weight I want to lose.  That means that exercise is key.  Well, in 2011 exercise was basically impossible between boots and foot problems.  Each time I lost 20 pounds, I got injured and it all came back.

I feel that living with RA and Crohn's makes it too difficult to set year long goals.  Life keeps throwing curve balls.  I think living the life I have been living filled with good healthy food, as much exercise as I can, having a positive attitude and keeping a sense of humor is the key to a good year!

What do you think about resolutions and goals for the New Year?  Am I way off track?  Did you make a resolution or a goal for 2012?  Did you make it public or is it a private goal?  Should goals be made in January? Or another time of the year?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a big New Year's Resolution person myself. I agree with you, any time is a good time to improve something in your life. I like to set reasonable, reachable goals so I don't get frustrated and abandon the resolution part-way in. You can always add another level to your plan when reach one goal.

    Good luck to you in your eating better plans. I'm working on eating reasonably right now. Now that I'm not pregnant, it turns out I'm not suppose to be gaining weight. So far, just eating smart has been very helpful and the baby weight is coming off. Now, if only I could get into exercising.


Would love to hear what you have to say!