Saturday, May 5, 2018


My injured neck and shoulder have been getting worse.  It was getting better after I first injured myself but then it took a turn for the worse.  I have been having a serious pain under my arm.  I called the doctor and he says there is a group of nerves under your arm that I might have irritated that is causing the pain.  It is called Intercostobrachial neuralgia.  This is a nerve pain issue in which nerves coming from the upper thoracic spine and going into your armpit upper inner arm, and upper chest wall are damaged and cause pain in this region.  The doctor seems a bit concerned and wants me to come in next week to have a look.  

Amazing what one little knock on the chin can do.  

Today is Happi's 13.5 birthday.  She came to me when she was 1.5 years old so I have always celebrated her 1/2 year birthday.  It is also Cinco de Mayo.  Happy birthday and cinco de mayo. 

Until tomorrow...

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