Sunday, August 27, 2017


It was a lovely day and I spent most of it in the backyard reading, having lunch and playing with the dogs.  Until I decided to download a new book.  I could not find my wifi.  What??  No wifi.  What has this world come to?

It turns out that thousands of homes were without electricity for hours.  I was one of them.  That means: no wifi, no TV, no fan (it was about 85 degrees outside and hot inside), no computer (the battery died), no iPad (the battery died), no kindle (I could not download the book), no hot water to take a shower since I have an on demand water heater and I could not get my car out of the garage.  What does one do?  I took a nap.

The electricity came on 1/2 hour before I had to leave to go to H's house for the finale of Game of Thrones.  So no shower.  Just enough time to feed and walk the dogs and throw myself together.

It was nice of H to include me in the GOT finale dinner and viewing.

Until tomorrow...

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