Tuesday, September 19, 2023


I started out my day with my handyman coming to finish fixing the leak in my shower. Last week he removed the silicone caulk that holds the shower door onto the shower. Then he cleaned it and put new caulking. I edited two days to shower and when I did, there was leak. It was around the brackets that hold it in place. He fixed it and left. 

An hour after he left, the transformer for the backyard lights shower up. Not sure if I mentioned it but the transformer I bought back in March, died. Well, partially died. It still turns the lights on if I flick the switch and will leave the lights on all the time but the timer died. Turns out I bought a transformer from a company that went out of business years ago and people on Amazon are still selling them like they are new. Turns out mine was probably at least 7 years old when I bought it. Normally this probably would not be a problem but there a non-removable battery inside and they die. Mine evidently died. I can't send it back because, you guessed it, the company went out of business.  This time around I bought it from a business that is still around. 

I did get a correspondence back from IKEA and they are sending a new motor to fix my standing desk (that is almost now a kneeling desk). That should arrive tomorrow so the handyman can fix them both at the same time. 

I had an Arthritis Facilitator meeting, then my meditation group and then my local Arthritis meeting. It was a busy evening. 

I'm going to bed. I have to be up early for Tai chi. 

Until tomorrow...

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