Thursday, September 14, 2023


Yesterday my standing desk stopped going up and down. Today the transformer that runs my backyard lights, stopped turning the lights on with the timer. The transformer works when it is turned on but it doesn't work with the timer. Weird, right? 

Today my handyman took the caulking out from around my glass shower walls and put new caulking in. I did not think he could do it without taking the walls off but he did. He replaced the strip of plastic that goes on the glass door. It really looks like a new shower! 

I took my car into the shop because the clutch (yes, I drive a manual transmission) was making a noise when I went from first to second gear. I thought it might need a new clutch. No, it does not. The shifter linkage is not lining up so I may need new bushings. Not sure what that means but I am glad I brought the car in to get fixed. With a 20 years old and with 93,000 miles things go wrong. I hope I will get it returned tomorrow. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Catching the week up. I hope the car was repaired for a reasonable fee.


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