Monday, November 21, 2011

Ekphrasis post (#NHBPM Day 21)

Today's post is an Ekphrasis (writing about another art form).   Don't worry, I had to look it up too.  We were supposed to find a Flickr Image that inspired me in some way and write about it for 15 minutes with out stopping or editing.  So here is my disclaimer: I have not edited this blog prior to publishing!  So I can't be held responsible for bad typing, horrible grammar, or run on sentences.  For that you can blame my public school education and my 9th grade English teacher who was a drunk and would pass out on her desk.

Flickr photo by xomiele
So I chose this photo of a twenty dollar bill with an occupy wall street stamp on it.  I am sure I would see one of these bills around but I don't have much cash on me these days.  I chose occupy wall street because it is in the news every day where I live and it is such an interesting time for our country.  Whether you agree with Occupy or not, it is an interesting concept: the 99%.  That people feel they are kept out of making decisions that affect (or is effect?  There is that public school education again) them.  Whether they really are being kept out or not, really makes no difference if they feel they are.

Every day you hear about people losing their retirements, losing their homes, losing their jobs, just like the newscasters are reading off a shopping list; like it doesn't mean anything.  Like real people aren't being affected.  The unemployment rate has risen again, they say.  Like that doesn't mean dad won't be able to afford a Thanksgiving turkey this year or be able to pay the rent, mortgage, heat, cable bill. 

Meanwhile more jobs go overseas because their labor will work cheaper and longer hours.  I recently bought a dresser from a company that only sells furniture made in America.  Not that I think everything can be made in America but if it can be made in America why in the heck are we having it made somewhere else?  I know because it is cheaper but is anyone getting the clue that cheaper and made from another country means higher unemployment in America?

Okay back to the Occupy photo.  I picked it because where I live there are many encampments and there have been times when the police have stepped over the line.  I believe that all Americans should be able to non-violently protest without being beaten by the police, stopped by the police, or pepper sprayed by the police.  If the protestors are being unlawful, fine arrest them, most protestors know what they are getting into if they choose to lock arms and sit in the street.  In most cases they have decided in advance to get arrested and have planned for it.  But pulling hair, pepper spraying, hitting on the head with a bully club and shooting smoke canisters directly at protesters is crossing a line.  We see this in other countries and condemn them for hurting their own people.  How can it be happening in my own backyard?

So, that is why I chose the Occupy photo.  People want to be heard.  Just like in the 60's and the 70's.  When people don't feel they are being heard, they act out.  I just wanted to say I hear you! 

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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