Thursday, August 15, 2024


First, off I slept a little later than usual because I was very tired after my experience of going to urgent care a day before. I also wanted to mention that the urgent care had multiple covid diagnoses while I was there. I asked the doctor and he says that 80% of what they're getting right now is covid cases. 

I think after sleeping and relaxing I feel a little bit better. But I'm still coughing and my chest still hurts a little bit. So today I decided to take it easy and not go hiking. Instead I drove out to a lake called Turquoise Lake. It was an incredibly beautiful forest, lake, and drive. I took a number of photos. 
I had a wonderful time by myself exploring and taking the time that I wanted to take photos and relax. 

When I returned a few of my relatives and I went into Breckenridge to have some drinks and listen to live music. 

I can't believe tomorrow's the last day of our family trip.

Until tomorrow...

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