Monday, August 26, 2024


My ex-fostet kid started college today. I am so proud. Over 50% of foster kids never finish high school. Only 48% of high school graduates (that 50%) attend college. That would mean that if there were 1,000 kids in foster care and 50% graduates high school that eleould equal 500 kids. Then if you take 48% of that 500 you would get 240 attending college. That is 24% of the original 1,000 kids. 64% of non-foster kids who finish high school attend college. 

Off my soapbox. I'm just super proud. Of course I got a call last night from the kid telling me they wanted to take a gap year. Today I got a call saying they are dropping out. I convinced them to give it a week. Change is hard.

Until tomorrow...

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