Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Today was a fun-filled, exhilarating day. Some of us went river rafting. There were 10 that went. It was down a increasingly harder river. We were all in wetsuits with life jackets. 

Here's the fun part: I fell in early on in the trip when we hit a rock and I went overboard. Luckily my nephew pulled me back into the boat as they instructed. I was wet but I got back to rowing. I inhaled some water so we need to keep an eye on it. 

I am not the only one who noticed it but the river seemed to want me back in the water. Almost every time the raft got a really splash, it went on me. Then towards the end, we hit another rock and I almost went overboard again. This time the people on the raft grabbed me and pulled me back in to safety. 

No one else fell in but we all got wet. At one point it started thundering and lightening and I think our guide was nervous. We were nervous! We all lived through the experience and had a blast. 

I got in my car and put the heat on full blast when we finished rafting. I was so cold. When I came home I changed into my bathing suit and went in the hot tub to warm up.

That was the whole day. I haven't seen the photos they took at one of the biggest rapids. It should be fun to see. I see me in minds-eye but usually the reality is quite different. 

Until tomorrow...

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