Saturday, August 10, 2024


I woke up very early this morning to get on a plane to Colorado. Almost all family is coming, that makes us 13 people in one house. My trip on the airplane was uneventful and luckily short. 

When I landed I drove to a vegan spot to get some delicious food. I ate half of it and then drove the rest of the way to meet up with the family. 

I know you've heard me complainant during other vacations with my family that I did not get a room to myself or was asked to sleep on the couch, this time I got the whole "east wing". I have what is basically an almost apartment it has a living room area, a little kitchenette, washer/dryer, bedroom and bathroom. I think since I'm still masking due to the uptick and covid, they thought it best that I have an area where I can go and take off the mask. Plus I can have my own vegan food. 

I did show my family the vegan candies that I made and I received a resounding standing ovation. Everyone loved them. 
Until tomorrow...

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