Wednesday, August 14, 2024


We got up early this morning to go ziplining. I was very excited because I missed going ziplining lining when I was in Hawaii because I broke my foot. So now was my big chance to try it out. Well, it was a fantastic experience. For those who have never done it, ziplining is like flying through the air while feeling safe. At least at this place, I felt very safe because I was extremely belted in. 

Some of the ziplines were two people at the same time and some were just by yourself. It was fun to go flying through the air with a family member next to you. This company had six ziplines. You started out small and the last one was a very fast very high ride. We rode through forests and over creeks. Personally, I cannot wait to do it again. 

After ziplining was when the trouble began. Well, I'm exaggerating because really the trouble started the day before when I fell in the river. By the evening after I fell in the river, I started not feeling great. If you remember I not only fell in the river but I inhaled some of the water. 

So after ziplining I went in the hot tub. When I got out of the hot tub that's when I started to feel much worse. I hurt in the middle of my chest and my voice was very craggly. Since it was still in the middle of the afternoon I called my doctor's office and told them what was going on. The doctors response was all in capital letters: go to urgent care now! 

There was a small complication in that I didn't want to upset everyone because that evening was a special anniversary dinner. So I got my brother to drive me to urgent care. The people at urgent Care took care of me did a EKG and an x-ray to make sure there was nothing around my heart such as water. There was not. But the doctor said I aspirated water which you may not know, is very dangerous. People have died from dry drowning.

The doctor decided because I am immunocompromised/suppressed, that he would put me on antibiotics and an inhaler. The doctor called the prescription into the local supermarket but the pharmacy closed in a couple of hours. I was not able to make the dinner because I had to get over to get my prescription and that took a while. My nice brother arranged all of the transportation going from the urgent Care to the pharmacy and back to the house. Once at the house I climbed into bed after taking the medication. 

So another new fun experience.

Until tomorrow...

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