Tuesday, April 23, 2024


I'll start off by saying last night Lucky had a very bad night. She has been shivering for about 5 days and then she seemed to be thirsty but didn't want water. She didn't eat and didn't want her nightly treats (something she really enjoyed). 

This morning I was taking her to the vet for her travel papers. The vet and I spoke about how she lost 3 lbs in three weeks even though she ate. She seemed very much in pain. The vet and I discussed how taking her on this trip would not be fun for her in this condition. Not to mention what if she got very ill and I was in the middle of nowhere. 

So I decided the best course of action was to let her pass on. I told her she was fearless, brave and that I loved her very much. I held her through the whole process of one needle and then the other. She looked so sweet at the end. 

I know I did the right thing. My friend heard that I was doing this and she came to the vet office to be with me. The veterinarian staff told me I was a good mommy and I gave Lucky everything any dog could ask for. 

Throwback photo
Rest in Peace Lucky 2007-4/23/2024

Once it was over, my friend and I went to my home where my friend cleaned up the dog stuff while I relaxed and got myself together. Today was the day I was getting the van. 

My friend drove me to the area and we had a quick bite to eat. Then we went to the van location and aftera LONG wait they spent an hour showing me how to use the van. My friend videoed most of it. 

Then I drove home and began packing it. I'm hoping nothing happens to it overnight. I did not pack the electronics, cold food and the bird. I'll do that tomorrow morning. I need to get done sleep.

Until tomorrow...

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