Sunday, February 18, 2018


Today I started my tax prep for 2017.  I have my tax meeting with my new tax preparer.  My old tax preparer for the last 20 odd years suddenly got sick and retired.  It is very sad.  I had to quickly find a new person in January.

I called one person who wanted to charge $600.  Yikes.  Then my retired preparer contacted me with a referral.  She is nice and reasonable.  I will try her out this year.

My neighbor had a puppy party and invited us over.  We went over for about 1 hour.  Happi and Lucky had a good time mingling with the other dogs.  There were dogs of all sizes.  The big dogs were rough housing.  Happi wanted to get in the middle but I was worried she would get hurt.  Lucky was just running around the perimeter trying to stay away from everyone.  It is good for them to socialize and for neighbors to see them in a good light.  On a leash they are very protective and not friendly to other dogs.

Until tomorrow...

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