Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 Today was very busy. First I got up early and took my car to the shop to get checked. It turned out it just needed fluids. It is in good shape. 

Then I went to physical therapy. My therapist thought I was in good shape. Turns out most people do not do the exercises at home. I have been doing them and I seem to be getting much better. 

Then I came home to let in the landscaper and handyman. The landscaper finished up some last minute things. The handyman waterproofed the standing garden, capped the non-working plug. He is coming tomorrow to finish the work. 

The poor landscaper had the catalytic convertor stolen out of his truck. He had to take the bus and has no tools. I felt so bad for him. 

It was a busy day. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. No doubt, who ever stole the catalytic convertor is an Ass H, one can fix a catalytic convertor (hopefully with insurance), they cannot fix being an Ass H so easily. I hear it takes about two years, in a place far far away.


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