Surprise! My solar generator arrived early. I am glad I was home. It was a nice surprise but I have to say these companies think they are doing you a favor but what if I was away from home? They would have left it on my steps.
I was lucky the delivery guy carried it into my garage for me. I tried to get it out of the box but it is too heavy. I haven't even tried to get the solar panels out of the box.
The plan is tomorrow I am going to charge it up while the sun is out and it charges from my solar panels.
I had my book club this afternoon. I tried really hard to finish the book but I missed the mark by a few chapters. I skipped to the end so I knew how it ended. I did enough so I could fake my way through the book club meeting. It is a good book and I am going to finish it.
Until tomorrow...
Oh that is exciting i hope you will show the pictures. I once bought 5 solar street lights. We could never get them to stay light even part of the night. :(