Tuesday, October 18, 2022


My day started out pretty regular. I worked and Lucky slept. Lucky was more sleepy than usual. I was preoccupied with work and a doctor's appointment. 

I virtually met with my new rheumatoid arthritis doctor. I really, really, really like her. She didn't make me feel like I was crazy. She didn't poo poo any of the things I said. She listened to everything I had to say. She agreed with me I'm almost everything. She said it was fine with the amount of Prednisone I was on and said that she had many patients that could not go down even a quarter of a milligram of Prednisone without going into a flare. So it was wonderful to hear that because my current / now previous doctor always said to me that was ridiculous. She also heard my theory that my Sjogren's could be causing my most recent problems and she said well let's test for that cuz that could possibly be what's going on. She also agreed that it's possible I might have to change medications but first she wants to run tests and see if maybe adding another medication might be a better option. She came up with so many ideas rather than what my previous doctor did which was nothing but tell me to increase prednisone. So basically I have to go get labs done and then once that's done I will go into her office to see her in person.

I've been off the video call with the doctor for about half an hour and had called someone else when I turn around and Lucky is vomiting. She vomited four times and then collapsed on the floor. I quickly picked her up and called the doctor and told them I would be there in 15 minutes. I put Lucky in her dog seat in the car and drove to the veterinarian's office. Luckily I found a spot very quickly and carried her to the office. They triaged her quickly while I waited outside. They ran a number of tests many that I will get back tomorrow. They also x-rayed her chest to make sure there's nothing going on in her chest. And basically their initial assessment is that she had some sort of dehydration or drop in blood pressure that caused her to fall down. They pumped her full of fluids and increased one of her medications and we came home. They sent us home with a new bottle of a medication that turned a funny color and I was suspect was making her ill. I got her home and she was her old self. She wanted to go for a walk and ate tons of food. 

I am keeping her home from the dog walker tomorrow to see how she is. Already her breathing is better and she has more energy. We will see tomorrow. I was exhausted. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. That is one monumental day. I am glad Lucky is better. Tell her I said hello and and that I am wishing that she gets so much better quickly.


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