Friday, December 7, 2018


Photo Challenge Part II picture of the day:

My photo today is two photos.  I haven't left the house today because I am home with two sick dogs.  Lucky is just about finished being sick.  Her foot seems better but she is still chewing on it so she has to stay in the cone. 

Happit is recovering from her surgery.  She had a horrible night last night.  Or should I say I had a horrible night.  Happi didn't want to sleep, she wanted to go outside to stand in the backyard.  Why?  I have no idea.  2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 5am.  At 5:30 am I sent her upstairs to sleep in the living room by herself.  The sedation had worn off enough by then that I felt she could be left alone.  She could not go up and down stairs when she was coming off sedation so I had to carry her. 

By then daylight happened and we all woke up.  Happi ate a good sized breakfast and took a nap.  She rested all day until 2pm when she got hungry again.  Then she got clingy and whiny.  I can't feed her that early because then she will wake me at 4 am to eat. 

Overall she seems full of energy and able to move around and is peeing but not on the floor or on beds.  She is barking to go outside.  All great things. 

I stayed home and worked while monitoring dogs.

Oh, the other day I found out the guy that hit my car and caused the accident that helped find Happi's tumor, had no car insurance.  What a shock that the guy who left the scene of an accident had no car insurance!  So that sucks but because I have uninsured car insurance coverage, I get my deductible back!  Once again a silver lining.  That will go toward the Happi surgery fund.

Until tomorrow...

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