Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Today I gave a presentation to some staff at a client's. I was prepared. I had all my supporting documents.

I began my presentation. I started my first sentence and someone asked a question. How can you have a question when I have barely finished the first sentence?

My big mistake was that I passed out the handouts at the beginning of the presentation. While everyone was sitting down, a few folks began reading the handouts so as I began speaking they had questions about the information I had not reviewed with the group yet. Those folks who had not read ahead were trying to figure out where these questions were coming from. Meanwhile I was just trying to get through the material so everyone would be on the same page.

The presentation was "fine" according to a participant. Not the rousing accolade I was looking for but with that rocky start I guess I should be happy with "fine".

Lesson learned: don't pass out the handouts until the end or when I am covering that section.

Until tomorrow...

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