Thursday, September 7, 2017


I took Happi to the vet today to get checked out. She has been acting weird for the past week. At first I thought she was hot from the 105 degree heat we were having. Then it got cooler (85 degrees) and she was still acting weird. 

By weird here is what I mean: she wants to go for a walk. We go outside and she walks about 15 yards then she stops. We walk about 10 yards then she stops. Sometimes she stops to sniff. Sometimes to pee or poo but sometimes she just stops.  Then she walks a few more yards and she sits down.  Then she walks a few more yards and she lays down. After we go far enough for her to poo, she wants to go back home. Part way there she lies down and I have to carry her home.  We get home and I give her a painkiller and she goes to sleep. She feels better by the time I go to sleep and she goes out one last time.

The Vet checked her heart rate and some other stuff.  He took some blood and pee.  He wanted to check and see if she had a urinary tract infection again. I don't think she does but he wanted to check since she has a history of UTIs. 

His pending diagnosis is pain.  He feels that she is in so much pain that she can't walk far.  Happi wants to walk but she can't walk so she lays down.   The solution is to keep her from walking too far for a few days and give her pain pills and anti-inflammatory medication.  After two weeks of this combination, we check back in and see how she is doing.  After a few days, I can let her go for short walks if she wants to.  We get the results of the blood and urine test on Monday.

Update on my ultrasound: I finally got the results of my ultrasound.  Everything is fine.  I have a wonderful heart and ventricles and all the parts of my heart.  Both Happi and I have strong hearts!!  Yahoo!

Until tomorrow...

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