Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I saw my primary doc today. I guess my concussion was a bit worse than in the ER. I am supposed to not do anything to stressful, no exercise, no TV, nothing that will make it worse.  My brain needs to heal. Which is all good news to me. I thought I was starting to go crazy. I can't concentrate, I keep mixing things up. I am wicked tired.  I feel out of it.  Those are all the effects of the concussion.

My knee injury is an old injury probably from when I fell on the cruise ship. I knew I hurt my knee.

He thinks I cracked the cartiledge in my rib age not a rib. He says "still hurts as much".
I go back in a few weeks.

Until tomorrow...


  1. I'm glad you saw your doctor, Adrienne. So sorry the concussion is continuing to cause you trouble. I guess just a nice, long rest is in order? Do take care. Sending warmth and comfort your way.

    1. Thanks Wren, I am catching up on my blog. I was told to stay off anything that made me think. Everything makes me think! If we could spend some time resting?!


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