Sunday, October 14, 2018


Today I was babysitting my old dog walkers baby and while I was taking her for a walk I noticed my very old sneakers have finally given up. The bottom of the left shoe is cracked. I have been thinking for sometime that I need new sneakers but I have had a lot going on and sneakers sort fell to the bottom of the list of things to do.

Tonight I ordered a pair to be delivered by Tuesday. They are the same ones I currently have. They are specifically made for people with arthritis. They aren't flashy just functional.

I can't wait to get them. My feet have been needing them.

The babysitting went well. It assured me that I do not ever want a baby. I will watch a baby but I do not want one. There was no maternal instinct that came out when I had that cutie for 4 hours. I had fun entertaining her but happy to send her home.  Her parents tried to pay me but I said save it. I did it for the fun. They are moving to Portland in a month.

Until tomorrow...

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