Thursday, March 3, 2016


Day 185.  I had called for more pain killers a few days ago and today I called to follow up and the doctor's assistant said I had to come get the prescription.  She said it was ready for a few days.  I asked her why she didn't call to tell me?  I was there yesterday and now I have to come back and I can't drive.  Ergh...

I called my neighbor again and asked him if he could drive me again across town to pick up my prescription.  Controlled substances can not be called in to a pharmacy anymore, I have to walk in with the prescription.  Luckily (or unluckily) I spend so much time at the pharmacy they know me and filled the prescription quickly so I could go home to rest.  Once again I got ill from all the movement.  I came home and took a two hour nap.

My helper came over again to clean the house some more.  She also walked the dogs, took out the trash, and did some more things.  The house is all ready for my brother to visit tomorrow.

Until tomorrow...

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