Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Learned the Hard Way - #HAWMC Day 17

Learned the Hard Way. What’s a lesson you learned the hard way? Write about it for
15 today.

A lesson I learned the hard way?  There are so many lessons I learned the hard way.  Don't touch a hot iron.  Don't shake a soda and then open it.  Don't leave ice cream out on a hot day.  Don't swim after eating. 

A lesson I learned lately?  Here is a lesson I have not learned: Wear my slippers.  My feet feel better when I wear my slippers but I am lazy and forget to wear them.  My very pricey slippers.  From a foreign country.  I don't wear them and then my feet hurt.

Okay, a lesson I have learned?  I can't think of one.  I am hard headed.  I don't learn lessons very easily.  I can think of plenty of things I have not learned.

Oh, here is one!  I went to the dentist today and I have not been in awhile since I don't have dental insurance.  I was given a silver star (not quite a gold star) because I flossed and brushed my teeth very well.  I guess I learned that lesson!

Until tomorrow...

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the WEGO Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge (#HAWMC) during the month of April, sign up here.

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