Monday, December 11, 2023


I got the report of my MRI on my elbow. It doesn't say anything I understand. But it basically says nothing is wrong. I see the doctor in Wednesday. 

I went for a quick shopping trip to a local store. I decided this year to buy locally and support the economy. I've purchased enough from Amazon. I hope folks like what I got. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Sheryl says that after last year when I bought her that brand new I7, 32GB, computer with twin disk drives and added graphics card with 16 GB ultra fast video memory and a lifetime subscription to call to duty with a first person laser pointer weapon, that fits in my office and is locked to keep others from using it without my permission.

    It was the perfect gift for her. But, well since I will not give her the password, I think she might a little disappointed.


Would love to hear what you have to say!