Monday, September 9, 2024


I called The Bee guy first thing this morning and he came over this afternoon. He searched the whole backyard and could not find any yellow jacket home. He thinks that it was a bit of a flyby by the yellow jackets. They may have a home close by on either one of my neighbors properties. We don't know. 

I was speaking to a friend on zoom and she asked to look at my arm and she convinced me that I needed to call a doctor. My arm is red, hot, swollen and itchy. The doctor telemed with me to see what it look like. I was told to take two Zyrtec today put cold compresses on it and try and keep it elevated. She also had me draw a circle around the red spot and let her know if it's significantly outside the sharpie line. As the day went on it did go about a quarter of an inch out but currently right now it is much more out. I'll let her know in the morning. 

One of my clients had a meeting with me today and informed me that they're ending my contract. As a consultant you kind of get used to this but sometimes it's hard when it seems like it comes out of the blue. But I'm trying to think about it as I'll be able to spend more time with other clients and working on my chocolate business. 

I made some more chocolates this evening. Let's hope they're good. 

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, September 8, 2024


I slept in until 8 am. I was tired after the last two nights. I took a bath and then walked the dog. I spoke to my friend and then my brother. He is helping me with figuring out the cost of my chocolates. It is good news.

My landscaper arrived to do some cleanup. He was doing a good job until he was attacked by bees. I went down to help him. He got stung twice. They were following him. I got close and I got stung. 

He says he won't come back until I get someone to chr k it out. 

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, September 7, 2024


I made a mistake. I thought my ex-foster kids train was at 11:30 am. It was not. It was at 1:30pm. I figured this out after getting to the train station. We decided to drive around to see some sights. 

Once I got the kid on the train, I came home and made more chocolates. I'm supposed to ship some on Monday. 

After eating a quick dinner, I got back in the car and drive to the same outdoor concert venue as last week. The traffic was so much better. I missed a bit of the first act but I caught the main acts. I lucked up again, the four seats next to me were empty. Last week the seat next to me was empty. I try not to think it is because I am wearing a mask. 

Once again I ditched at the last two songs to get to my car before the other people. So worth it. I could hear the final two songs on my way to the car. No curing up to exit the parking lot. 

Until tomorrow...

Friday, September 6, 2024


I spent the morning cranking out another 20 candies. Milk chocolate with peanut butter. 

After picking up my ex-foster child, we got some take out food. We were excited because today is the birthday/graduation gift: tickets to Wicked. He had not seen it and thus would be my third time. I wanted to go see something else but this is what he wanted. 

To be honest, I still don't like it as much as the first time. I watched some old footage of Kristen Chenowith and Idina Manzel in the pre-Broadway version of Wicked and they were so good. 

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, September 5, 2024


Just a regular day. I wish I had something exciting to write about ...

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I got to go downtown and gave lunch with my meditation buddy. She started a new job and I went down to meet her. Because of a death in her family she had a few things to give me from the person's home. One good thing is a folding table which will be useful when I go to events. 

In the evening I did my third day of English homework with my ex-foster kid. I never thought I would be living my college English days. His readings are way more serious and I remember my readings being. Today we did George Orwell. 

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


My new laser printer has arrived. I really tried not to buy a new laser printer but running to UPS or Kinko's is driving me crazy. Every time I need something printed on these fancy labels for my chocolates, I have to go down and get a photocopied onto the labels. Now I can print directly on to the labels. 

I know this probably isn't exciting to you but for me anytime I can do something at home rather than running out and paying money for it it's so much better. 

Until tomorrow...

Monday, September 2, 2024


Happy Labor day! I did various things today including continuing to work on my website, laundry, and laying in my hammock with Miss Vivien Butterfly. It was good to have a slow day today since I was busy all weekend. 

My super nice brother helped me by fixing my logo. He made it look so nice. I do not have the same technical knowledge about logos as he has.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Miss Vivien Butterfly and I drove to a location where there was a restaurant having a vegan brunch. I pictured a restaurant with outdoor eating having a quiet brunch. Instead we got there and there was a street fair going on in the block where we were eating. It was very chaotic busy loud. I wish I had not brought Miss Vivien Butterfly because I don't think that she had much fun. Not to mention, it was rather hot. 

I brought a box of my Vivien's Vegan Chocolates to show the group. I also brought 26 chocolates and came home with 5. The chocolates were a hit. People were asking where they could buy them. I had to explain I'm not quite ready but will be soon. 

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, August 31, 2024


Miss Vivien Butterfly and I woke up early to go for a hike. It was a hike on a small island that I've never been on before. It was interesting and definitely gave me a different perspective. 

When we got back I immediately started making vegan chocolates. I made dark chocolate with cranberry puree inside, dark chocolate with orange cream, barely dark chocolate with hazelnut praline and milk chocolate with peanut butter. It basically took me about 5 hours to make 60 chocolates. I then spent a little bit of time decorating some of them. I put together one of my new boxes and got them ready to take tomorrow to a vegan event. 

Until tomorrow...