Wednesday, May 29, 2024


I received an email from the dog foster mother and she was so nice. She invited me to her home to see Midge. She is a slightly overweight Papillon. She is still wearing her cone but it comes off soon. She just got spayed. She is 8 years old and cute as a button. 

I went in the late afternoon to see Midge and she is sweet. She has the exact opposite energy of Lucky. Lucky was high energy, high anxiety and needed to guard everything. This made Lucky not a cuddler. She liked things the way she liked them and would protect that to the end. 

Midge (gotta change that name) is a sweet soul. She cuddled up to me on the couch and fell asleep on my leg; cone and all. She let me pick her up and she gave me lots of kisses. 
I decided that I am going to adopt her. 

Until tomorrow...

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