I then got to take a short break. I needed it after whipping cream for 1.5 hours off and on. I garnished the lemon pies with the candy lemons and made the garnish for the banana cream: chopped pecans and almonds with chocolate shavings. For one of the pies I put the shavings in a baggy because I know the person's son has allergies. I figure I will let them decided if it is okay for the kiddo. Then the hour arrived. I garnished the banana cream pies, carried them all upstairs to go in the boxes and then put them all in a Chewy box that held them perfectly. I put the box in the car and drove to their office. These pies were a surprise for the staff members so I stood outside the office and told the receptionist I was outside. The dentist came out and was so pleased with how they looked. She told me she was going to tell her friends. She also said I needed to charge more. I am going to research more about cost. I did this for her as a friend and to start out. Boy did I learn some lessons.
The things I learned: 1) always have extra ingredients on hand, 2) you never have too much time, 3) always make extra especially when you are trying a recipe for the first time, 4) when you make something for the first time assume the first one will be the "first pancake" the throw away, and 5) don't try and bake two pies at the same time when it is the first time you are baking that recipe. I ended up with two "first pancakes". One will go to my dog walker. It isn't horrible, it just wasn't perfect to sell. He will be happy with it. I am keeping the other.
I am happy it over and I think I would do it again with more planning time. I would charge more too.
Now I have to think about Thanksgiving.
Until tomorrow...
If those have no carbohydrate in them send me six. If they have carbohydrate in them send me,,, OK my wife says none. Oh well............... rick