Monday, November 29, 2021


 Cyber Monday. I did a little shopping. A little work. It was a day of doing small things that added up to big times. I started watching a new old series. Hot Zone. If you like apocalypse type shows this is for you. I have almost completed all my Thanksgiving leftovers. One more serving and I am done. The food was so good. 

I did order more Orencia. I decided to go back on Orencia now that my tooth infection is cleared up. I guess I will go back on until the next booster shot in January or February. There is no point in changing medicine during this endemic since I am going to on and off repeatedly. 

A boring day for a change. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh when I took Orencia it was only by infusion. I did not know it is an injectable now.

  2. Yes! It comes in a self injectable. I get it delivered once a month. There is also a program that (if you pass the application process) helps pay for the co-pay.


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