Monday, October 25, 2021


 I couldn't post earlier tonight because I had no WiFi for hours. I finally did this post from my phone. Then I looked at my phone and I used all my data and it is only a few days into my month. I had to shut down my phone. 

It is amazing how much we depend on WiFi for everything. I had no TV, no movies, no access to my phone without using my data plan, no zoom, no email, no Instagram. I kept reaching for things and realized I could not do them. I had a zoom meeting that I had to call into. I had to figure out how to call into a zoom. I had a board meeting that I could not attend in "Person" but had to call into. It was so frustrating. I had a doctor's appointment that I had to do over the phone instead of Facetime. Then I wanted to watch something on my phone but I didn't know my password and couldn't use the WiFi to get it. Just one thing after another.

It really amazes me how dependent we are on our internet companies. I finally gave up when I realized I used up all my data and read a book. I did buy some more data for the rest of the month but I am being really careful with it because it isn't very much.

That was most of my day. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Hey, No one really wants to mess with my WIFI and Sheryl's (we have been married for 44 years), TV. No one damn it. :)


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