Saturday, February 27, 2021


 I made something really good today.  I made a Banh Mi sandwich.  It was a four step process:

  1. make the barbecue sauce and mix it in with the mushrooms to marinate.  I used mushrooms instead of eggplant.  Cook after 30 minutes.
  2. make the pate. The pate was made out mushrooms and peanuts. 
  3. make the salad out of cucumber, rice vinegar and sugar.
  4. assemble the sandwich.  

This sandwich was so awesome to eat.  The mushrooms were marinated and cooked just right. The pate added some flavor with the peanuts. The cucumber salad added a crunch and sweetness.  It was such a balanced sandwich.  

I was going to make something else but I decided to take it easy instead.  I found ants in my downstairs door area so I had to clean that out. There is no food or water there so I have no idea why they were there.  There must be a hole somewhere.  I get ants every now and then in that spot. 

Until tomorrow...

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