Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Did you ever make a recipe and when you were done you realize you left out an item?  I have seen people on cooking shows do it but I always think it is because they are under such stress, of course it is easy to leave out an item.  Well, let me tell you, it is easy to do it even if you have all the time in the world.  I was cooking Tom Yum soup today (it is one ingredient different from Tom Kha Tofu)  I must have been looking at the recipe for Tom Kha Tofu and forgot to switch back to the recipe for Tom Yum soup.  I got to the end and I was trying the Tom Yum soup and I thought "hm, this tastes exactly like Tom Kha Tofu."  Well, it was Tom Kha Tofu soup.  I make the soup twice in a row!  Luckily, it is so good I will eat it all.

Today I made Tom Kha Tofu soup.  It is a coconut based soup.  It has lemongrass, keffir lime leaves and red chili pepper.  It had tofu, mushrooms, and tomato.  It is one of my favorite soups.  Perfect when you are sick since it is warm and cozy.  

Since I made it twice by accident, I have a bunch!  

Until tomorrow...

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