Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Day 82 since I left the house.

Today was a supermarket food delivery.  I was super excited until I found out that three things were not coming.  Potato chips, lettuce and canned potatoes.  I am sure you understand my disappointment about the lettuce and chips but are thinking canned potatoes?  Okay, I saw a cooking show and there was a recipe where the host used canned potatoes.  I want to try it but I can't find canned potatoes anywhere.  I had no idea they were so popular.  I don't think I ever had them before.  At this rate I will never have them.

It was girls movie night.  We finally got the Netflix Party to work and started watching Dumplin'.  It was really good.  It was funny and sweet.  Jennifer Aniston was hysterical as a former teen Southern beauty queen who hasn't ever gotten past it.  Danielle MacDonald is her daughter and she is wonderful.  The movie covers bullying, body issues, teen angst, mother daughter relationship, friendships, drag queens, and so much more.  I loved it and so did the other girls.

There is a 10,000 person protest going on very close to my home before and during this movie night.  Even though there is a curfew, it seems that not everyone is abiding by it.  I hear the helicopters going for hours.

I installed my camera outside.  I will just feel better knowing it is out there.  

Until tomorrow...

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