Thursday, April 21, 2022


 I got up early and went to the doctor. I didn't get a certain answer but I did get some answers. I most likely do not have cancer which was my biggest concern. Her answer when I asked was "I am not even considering that."

I have been given a list of things to do. I have to get an ultrasound to rule out ovarian cysts. Then I am going to a gynourologist to check my estrogen levels and other things. Then I need to get a mammogram. 

For the Plan B I am seeing my Gut Doctor to move forward with getting my gut checked. 

The thought is that I may have ovarian cysts. I may have low estrogen. I may have two things going on at once: a urinary thing and a gut thing. I may have interstitial cystitis. There are no answers yet but a plan to figure it all out. 

I feel much better having a plan. Some of the plan will take many weeks so I will not have answers quickly. 

I made a tasty salad for dinner. I wasn't very hungry but I ate it anyway. It had romaine, avocado, cucumber, apple, and mushrooms. 

The rest of the day was resting, watching an Arthritis Foundation webinar and notifying friends and family. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. I agree with you about having a plan. Moving forward, sideways, jumping or digging, I never care, except if I have to stand still. I hate standing still.

    1. Yes, well, the plan starts tomorrow. Wish me luck.


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