Sunday, April 3, 2022


 I spent the day babying Lucky. She had one of her upset tummies. When she has these episodes she clings to me and wants me to rub her tummy. She paces constantly and is so miserable. She is finally asleep after eating a little baby food (yes, baby food) that I keep on hand. I usually mix it with rice but I didn't have any rice today so I gave her just a little of the baby mixed with her kibble. At least it got her to eat something. 

I spent part of the day doing more invoicing. I spend yesterday invoicing too. I finished one whole client's invoices and that was an accomplishment. Today I worked on another client. 

I also talked with my parents who were stranded at the Dallas airport. I asked them nicely to pick me up a Cowboys T-shirt since mine is old and has a stain. So, this worked out for me but not for them. 

Last night I spoke to my friend in HI for three hours. I haven't had a marathon talk like that in years. We had one disconnection for unknown reasons, one phone battery die and one accidental hang up in those three hours. It was so much fun catching up. I can't wait to visit HI. 

I made vegan barley pilaf today. It has mushrooms, peas and carrots. It was surprisingly good. I was only supposed to have a small bite but I cheated and had a serving. Hopefully it will be okay.

That was my day: dog, phone call, dinner and work. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. I called HI once and talked to a buddy who was in the army. I paid $37.00 for a 5 minute call from Indiana. Ahh, the old bad days of long distance.


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