Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 I have a dog with a tummy ache.  I don't know what she ate or drank but she has a tummy that is making strange noises.  She didn't eat breakfast (but she ate the treats from the dog walker!) and now she doesn't want to eat dinner.  I gave her her morning medicine but it made another appearance a few minutes later so I won't do that again.  I guess we will skip her dinner medicine.  The poor thing is trying to fall asleep.

My new lamp did not show up today.  I guess it is showing up tomorrow.  I am going to move the black, metal standing lamp in the living room in to my office.  It will work well by my chair.  I was on a zoom today and I was so dark.  I really need a bit of light.

I had a video doctor's appointment with my gut doctor today.  She said it seems that I am doing very good in this lock down.  The probiotics I started taking seem to be working.  That and the meal plans and fitness plan are keeping things going good.  

Until tomorrow...

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