Saturday, August 29, 2020


 Today was a day of getting those tasks I don't want to do done.  I have a list on my wall of tasks I don't want to do or are task intensive tasks.  This weekend I took care of two of them:

1. I gave Lucky a bath.  I won't tell you how long it has been since Lucky had a bath but I am happy I have a short haired dog who hates to get wet or dirty.  I was surprised when I put her in the bath that the water did not go dark, it stayed clear.  It was a little stinky but so was Lucky.  I guess all those days Lucky went with the dog walker in the rain paid off. She got a mini shower!  I had to put a muzzle on Lucky to bathe her but she did really good.  She stands like a statue because water is her kryptonite. She just stares at me and waits for it to get over.  Then I take her out, take off the muzzle and towel her off.  She spends 15 minutes rubbing her coat on the towels.  Once she is dry she is allowed out of the bathroom and NOT allowed on the furniture.  She would rub herself all over my bed and the couch if I let her. She smells so nice now.

Once I was done with that task and I cleaned up from the dirty bathtub and bathroom, I gave myself a haircut.  This is haircut number 2 since quarantine.  I think I did a better job this time.  I am getting my grove back.  I went much shorter this time, as you will see below.

As you can see, I a lot of hair off.  I had a lot of hair to take off.  I feel so much lighter.  After I cut my hair there was the clean up, then the shower to get the hair off me.  

It was a whole day of tasks and cleaning up.  Then I rested.  

Until tomorrow...

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