Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I got to go downtown and gave lunch with my meditation buddy. She started a new job and I went down to meet her. Because of a death in her family she had a few things to give me from the person's home. One good thing is a folding table which will be useful when I go to events. 

In the evening I did my third day of English homework with my ex-foster kid. I never thought I would be living my college English days. His readings are way more serious and I remember my readings being. Today we did George Orwell. 

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


My new laser printer has arrived. I really tried not to buy a new laser printer but running to UPS or Kinko's is driving me crazy. Every time I need something printed on these fancy labels for my chocolates, I have to go down and get a photocopied onto the labels. Now I can print directly on to the labels. 

I know this probably isn't exciting to you but for me anytime I can do something at home rather than running out and paying money for it it's so much better. 

Until tomorrow...

Monday, September 2, 2024


Happy Labor day! I did various things today including continuing to work on my website, laundry, and laying in my hammock with Miss Vivien Butterfly. It was good to have a slow day today since I was busy all weekend. 

My super nice brother helped me by fixing my logo. He made it look so nice. I do not have the same technical knowledge about logos as he has.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Miss Vivien Butterfly and I drove to a location where there was a restaurant having a vegan brunch. I pictured a restaurant with outdoor eating having a quiet brunch. Instead we got there and there was a street fair going on in the block where we were eating. It was very chaotic busy loud. I wish I had not brought Miss Vivien Butterfly because I don't think that she had much fun. Not to mention, it was rather hot. 

I brought a box of my Vivien's Vegan Chocolates to show the group. I also brought 26 chocolates and came home with 5. The chocolates were a hit. People were asking where they could buy them. I had to explain I'm not quite ready but will be soon. 

Until tomorrow...