Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 Well, Lucky fans, Lucky does not have a UTI. She is mirroring her Mama. They think she either has something that they need an ultrasound to find or she is acting up. I now need to decide if I want her to get an ultrasound. They would be looking for a kidney stone or something else. There is some evidence there may be something so I will probably do it. I don't want her to be in pain. I have been giving her the painkiller and that seems to be better. 

I worked like crazy today. From meeting to meeting to project. I did take time out to meditate. I need to take the time to do that every day. I also took the time to make my physical therapy appointment in July! 

I took Lucky for a short walk after dinner. We went by a neighbor's house and his new dog got out and charged Lucky. Now Lucky weighs 16 pounds (yes, she has gained weigh during Covid and she is sensitive about it) and this dog probably weighed 50 pounds and was as tall as my hips. I saw him charging and I grabbed Lucky (scrapping my knuckles on the concrete) and held her up by my head. I wasn't sure if the dog was going to lick her or bite her but I never met the dog before but I wasn't going to wait until they got into a fight to find out. Lucky was just stunned. She didn't bark or growl or anything until the dog was dragged away and I put her down. Then she started to bark. Oh, yeah! Get all big and bad once the threat is taken away! Ha ha. 

My neighbor told me I could bring him dessert like the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes anytime. He loved them. A rave review.

I made an interesting dinner: vegan black bean pasta with broccoli, zucchini, spinach and cauliflower with taco seasoning. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Well thank goodness Lucky was OK. Once my wife was attacked while walking our little dog Samantha and both she and Samantha were hurt badly. I am so glad you and sweet little Lucky are OK.

    1. I am so sorry to hear your wife and doggie were hurt in an attack. I hate it when people don't keep their dogs on leashes. My neighbor has apologized twice. He felt so bad. I think the dog was just eager but you never know since Lucky is so little.


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