Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 What a day?! I waited all day to get my food delivery so I could finally finish my chocolate dessert. The delivery arrived and the one ingredient I needed (and the whole reason I made the order) was not in the order. So I can't finish the dessert. Well, maybe I can but not with the same ingredients. The chef says I can make due with a combination of other ingredients. I guess I will try tomorrow. 

So today I made Vegan Chocolate Pudding. It was super easy and so delicious. I used a combination of a few recipes and made my own pudding. 

I took Lucky for a walk and she did not limp one time. I told the dog walker she is cleared to go with him on Friday. I can't wait. She has been driving me crazy. She has so much energy that she needs to burn off. 

Until tomorrow...


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