Sunday, July 14, 2019


I don't know if it is the ear infection or if it is the antibiotic that the doctor put in her ear but Happi is unable to hear.  Before she went to the doctor she seemed to barely hear but now she doesn't seem to hear at all.  She seems to be a bit confused. 

She hasn't barked in days or over a week.  She can't seem to hear me calling her or the doorbell ringing.  It does make her sleep a lot more since she doesn't hear those noises that make dogs get anxious like trucks, cars, sirens, doorbells, etc. 

I sure hope it is not permanent but if it isn't, we will cope.  Years ago I had a dog named Raven, a black cockerspaniel, who was deaf.  She was sweet and a lousy watchdog.  I would come home and have to wake her up.  She would be so happy to see me once I did.  She had to always be on leash since she could not hear if I called her. 

Now if hearing loss happens to Lucky, I will be better off since I taught Lucky sign language when I got her.  I use signs to get her to sit and lay down.  She needed something to learn since she is an overachiever. 

We shall see in a few weeks if Happi gets better or not.  Either way, she is my baby.

Until tomorrow...

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